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UVA and UVB: Reconsider Sun Protection with Invity Insights

UVA and UVB: Reconsider Sun Protection with Invity Insights

Posted by Invity on 24th May 2023

Let's discuss something we all adore – sunny days. We all relish spending more time outdoors, enjoying the warmth and happiness that the sun provides. However, many are unaware that the sun emits harmful rays that can result in long-term damage to our skin. Sunburn, premature ageing, and even skin cancer are some of the side-effects of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Therefore, i
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The Sun and Your Skin – The Truth About Sunscreens

The Sun and Your Skin – The Truth About Sunscreens

Posted by Invity on 24th May 2023

Simple fact – when it comes to your skin, the sun is not your friend! That’s the reason why sun protection is your first line of defence against skin ageing and health. And one of your main allies in this fight is sunscreen. But, for some time, there’s been some concern about sunscreen not only for its impact on the marine environment, but also for our health. The simple truth is that we need to u
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All You Need To Know About Facial Sheet Masks

All You Need To Know About Facial Sheet Masks

Posted by Den Yi Ann on 13th Dec 2021

Originating from Japan and South Korea, sheet masks are currently one of the most popular skin care products in all of Asia. These masks have recently revolutionised the beauty industry and are gaining popularity in the U.S as various celebrities wear sheet masks themselves. It is extremely sought after due to it’s convenience and quick-fix skin treatment to reintroduce hydration and moisture i
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Longevity Through The Ages: An Eternal Quest

Longevity Through The Ages: An Eternal Quest

Posted by Dr. Amita Joshi, PhD on 1st Nov 2021

American comedian Aries Spears said, “to sustain longevity you have to evolve”. It’s true - to live longer, we must evolve, and adapt to the evolution of time and changing society. Science has made tremendous progress in slowing down the ageing process. How we age, and the speed that it happens, has always fascinated humans. Scientists consider ageing and longevity as two different fields of
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Skin Microbiome: Essential in Skincare - Uncover with Invity

Skin Microbiome: Essential in Skincare - Uncover with Invity

Posted by Dr. Eugene He on 6th Oct 2021

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It helps regulate body temperature, produces Vitamin D, locks in moisture, senses pain, and touch. Your skin is teeming with trillions of microorganisms, like bacteria, fungi, and viruses. These microscopic colonies are known as the skin microbiome, an important part of the skin’s ecosystem. Each person’s microbiome is unique, much like a fingerp
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